Oh my goodness, I loved every WORD of this. Absolutely rejoicing with you. Grab those increasing glimmers of joy and energy and let them expand and expand until you are brimming with it! I can't wait to celebrate with you with a joyous cuppa at some point this year 😍 x

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Wow- well. It is word I never thought would have such an impact in my life. I struggle with well. I have reached out to a doctor, therapist, and most recently holistic nutritionist in my search for well. I am the worry of my octgenarian parents, rather than the other way around. Fatigue, isolation, mood, not feeling well enough to feed myself properly, not feeling well enough to go to work, not well enough to walk. I have begun the treasure hunt for well in earnest, I have even starting trackers. Trackers my food, sleep, movement, water, poops, and moods associated. I have yet to see a huge AHA! that is it. That is where my well is.

I am so happy you have started to befriend well and that it lives with you more often than not.

Be Well Marianne.

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"My bounce back is bouncing back" - HOORAY!!!!! Wishing you to get bouncier and bouncier and bouncier.

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