I forgot to reply to this and congratulate you on your book but I just watched the replay of your Shelf Help interview and wanted to say how fab it was and how great it was to see you on good form despite the Long Covid (get well soon!). As a middle-aged man reading Love Me! I felt amazed by the honesty with which women share things and I learned so much. Men are so closed up when my closest male friend got into a relationship it was my then-girlfriend who guessed by seeing the two interact and I had no clue as he never told me hehe. So anyway I am too shy to buy copies of your wonderful book for my friends but I did follow your wise tip and left a genuine 5 star review on Goodreads. Help Me! connected immediately with masses of those who are hooked on self-help books and got lots of publicity, but maybe in the long run your new book will be more meaningful and impactful for those who it finds it's way to, if that makes sense (I mean it as a compliment!). I hope when you have a little more energy you will be able to do some YouTube interviews with book podcasts and maybe even revive some sort of Eventbrite publicity event.

As always, wishing you health and happiness,

Your #1 fan in Glasgow,


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Marianne, how amazing to read this! I got your newsletter yesterday and ran to Blackwell's in Oxford to buy a copy. Can't wait to read it, I held it like a treasure and took so many pictures to share on social. Wishing you have the best time during your event tomorrow. Wish I could be there xx

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I have it sitting by my bed, I haven't got a chance to read it yet but I'm excited. I love everything you do ❤️ and I'm glad you are getting the praise you deserve ❤️

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Steph Theobald should interview you x

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I'm around a third of the way through (you've just come out of the tantra retreat) and LOVING it. Thank you for sharing internal monologues I'm sure so many readers will recognise. You won't be alone in not having looked at your pussy till it had greys (sorry for the spolier there) and you are inspiring others to do the same. As a sex coach I know how vital acceptance of one's vulva is, to sexual pleasure... Your book will be helping women around the world on their journey to better sex.

I hope you kick the long covid soon and can enjoy getting out there and promoting it!

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Can't wait to read this! Bravo for sticking with it and blessing us with more of YOU!

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Congratulations on another brave achievement, Marianne!! So sorry about the loonnnnnng covid ☹️. I hope you are able to recover soon! 💕

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Have it on the pre-order. It will be released soon in Canada. Can't wait!

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A friend posted a recommendation on her substack notes and I’ve come to find out about the book- it sounds amazing and I’m getting it from audible as soon as I’ve finished this note!

Sending solidarity for the LC- and sorry it’s getting in the way of your promo. I hope it means you get to choose the best bits- use your spoons strategically!

Ps book number two- sex and LC??

I imagine that many people in the LC community are not brave enough to talk / ask about sex & fatigue management. When filling out activity charts in my LC journey, I wondered how many people ever filled in sex as an activity. After all, who wants anyone to analyse your baseline and rate your sex life as high or low activity?! Yet how important it can be in our lives, especially when there are so many limitations / things taken away by LC.

Looking forward to audiobooking your book 🙂

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Ordering it right now! Thank you 😀

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