Marianne, how amazing to read this! I got your newsletter yesterday and ran to Blackwell's in Oxford to buy a copy. Can't wait to read it, I held it like a treasure and took so many pictures to share on social. Wishing you have the best time during your event tomorrow. Wish I could be there xx

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I have it sitting by my bed, I haven't got a chance to read it yet but I'm excited. I love everything you do ❤️ and I'm glad you are getting the praise you deserve ❤️

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Steph Theobald should interview you x

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I'm around a third of the way through (you've just come out of the tantra retreat) and LOVING it. Thank you for sharing internal monologues I'm sure so many readers will recognise. You won't be alone in not having looked at your pussy till it had greys (sorry for the spolier there) and you are inspiring others to do the same. As a sex coach I know how vital acceptance of one's vulva is, to sexual pleasure... Your book will be helping women around the world on their journey to better sex.

I hope you kick the long covid soon and can enjoy getting out there and promoting it!

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Can't wait to read this! Bravo for sticking with it and blessing us with more of YOU!

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Congratulations on another brave achievement, Marianne!! So sorry about the loonnnnnng covid ☹️. I hope you are able to recover soon! 💕

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