I was so happy reading this piece! I am with your friend: I hate hearing every single day what dark times we live in. “Unprecedented” is my favourite. I feel like recommending some history books to those people who use it. Thanks Marianne and thanks to the gentleman too!

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Your dreams seem quite prophetic, do you keep a dream diary? Perhaps you'll start having Lucid Dreams soon and wake up in them, like Inception.

DT, JFK, bible quotes and movies is an interesting combination, there's a lot going on behind the scenes and has been for a while. YouTube channel 'Jetson White' has videos that could fill in those missing pieces

I try to detach from News and stopped watching TV years ago, the best thing about TV is the off switch.

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Thanks for this much needed perspective 😃

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That's another thing that happens when you reach 85 - your memory of dates ain't what it used to be. Don't worry Marianne, I don't think Donald has any real estate plans for Hackney Wick or your local chippy anytime soon but if you do have any more Trump inspired premonitions, just put it down to something dodgy you must have eaten the night before. Good to know that you have progressed from ecstatic sitting to more progressive dance routines. Thanks for your Friday afternoon cafe conversation piece...and yes...most of us are lucky enough to live a 'charmed life' in comparison to others who are much less fortunate. Have a good Trump-free weekend x

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I also love the longer bible verse .. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Maybe do some lily potato prints ...

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Thanks Marianne, i needed to read this this morning x

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The Cuban missile crisis was 1962. JFK was assassinated in 1963

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Timely reading this. Last night, I dreamed about being driven through streets full of riots and fires as civilisation as we know it collapsed, and the driver was definitely one of those "don't worry" people, just carrying on as if nothing was happening, getting us to our destination and driving around flaming billboards. I do wonder about that generation represented by the sprightly elderly gentleman you talked to in the coffee shop, and how much of their "just getting on with it" has left us with a lot to clear and heal, which is perhaps why things have been so heavy for us - and why we have to go to things like conscious dance classes to "move it all through". I also enjoyed another immediately recognisable laugh-out-loud description of one of those classes (my 5Rhythms teacher literally says that exact phrase about the world and everyone nods solemnly). Thank you for another piece that makes me feel less alone in the world and a little more hopeful.

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Thank you for this one! I found myself feeling reassured reading what the man said to you. It really does feel like the end of days, and this man's words helped put things into perspective. <3

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‘Do not borrow grief from tomorrow’ - this is going to be my new mantra when I find myself doom-scrolling and negative-future-tripping. Thank you.

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