I love reading your posts and follow up on your recommendations. Just watched your TedX talk and loved it. Keep posting please! Wishing you all the best for the New Year xxx

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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023

Hi Marianne, I loved reading your last two letters! Thanks for sharing. Have you read or seen on Apple TV …The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackesy? I loved the book and now the animation - heartfelt and a great inspiration for the new year. If you follow Charlie he is so real…you feel like anything is possible! Did I mention I launched my book? I’m so excited. Thanks to YOU for your inspiration back in early 2020. Hugs from Oz.

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I sometimes feel bad about my telly consumption, too. BUT then I read The Whalebone Theatre over Christmas and was really tickled by how often characters in it are told - or think to themselves - that they need to 'read less' or stop wasting time on novels etc. Made me wonder if one day we'll consider telly-watching as inherently virtuous in the way we now consider reading novels to be. (God knows what the new 'bad' way of consuming stories/culture will be by then, though....)

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